I’m writing in support of Commissioner Pete Sorenson’s re-election campaign@@http://petesorenson.com/@@. He’s been there in many ways for the environment, education and for a sustainable economy. Last year, I saw him in action when he was hosting a town hall event, along with Commissioner Rob Handy@@http://www.robhandy.com/@@, in favor of ending the distribution of single-use plastic bags.
He brought together the recycling industry, the grocery stores (even the big ones) and environmental advocates for an informative program. Meanwhile, his ratings by the Oregon League of Conservation Voters@@http://www.olcv.org/@@ have consistently been at 100 percent over the last decade!
But what really convinced me of Pete’s character — and his ability to stand up for what’s right — was watching a politically motivated lawsuit against him and Commissioner Handy unfold last year. The lawsuit was a blatant conservative smear campaign that highlighted Commissioner Sorenson’s long history of standing up against powerful interests and standing with the people. The lawsuit was funded by the timber industry, launched by a core of conservative Eugene residents and targeted the most progressive members of the Lane County Commission Board.@@http://www.lanecounty.org/Departments/BCC/WestLane/Pages/default.aspx@@
When it comes to elected officials, you don’t get much better than Pete. Please join me in voting for Pete Sorenson for Lane County Commissioner on May 15.
Nathan Howard@@http://directory.uoregon.edu/telecom/directory.jsp?p=findpeople%2Ffind_results&m=student&d=person&b=name&s=Nathan+Howard@@
University student
Letter: Pete Sorenson stands up for Eugene’s environment, education and economy
Daily Emerald
February 6, 2012
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