With a new school year comes a new ASUO administration and new challenges. While Laura Hinman settles into her role as ASUO president, it is important to take a look at the last year in ASUO history. These are the top five ASUO stories from last year.
1. The ASUO Executive requests that students have a voice throughout the EMU renovation process. Former President Ben Eckstein @@name check http://dailyemerald.com/2012/05/24/asuo-president-ben-eckstein-and-executive-staff-will-be-leaving/@@ and former Vice President Katie Taylor @@http://www.uoregon.edu/findpeople/person/katie*taylor@@ demanded that a student vote should be held before any ground was broken on the EMU. The two started working in June, before school started, taking their request all the way to the Oregon University System in Salem. A special election was held during fall term, which was voted down. Students also rejected the renovation during the spring term election. The renovation is still up in the air until it can receive a positive referendum. @@http://dailyemerald.com/2011/12/04/students-weigh-in-on-emu-src-other-issues/@@
2. The marriage of former Vice President Katie Taylor to former Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group Board Chair Charles Denson is revealed. In winter term last year, it was revealed that Taylor had been married to Denson since late 2009. While some members of the ASUO and the community knew, others did not and took issue with with the fact that the union was not disclosed. However, Taylor said that her role as vice president did not allow for much interaction with Denson’s organization, and therefore her marriage would not pose a problem to her professional life. @@http://dailyemerald.com/2012/01/24/asuo-vice-president-married-to-ospirg-board-chair/@@
3. The Athletics and Contracts Finance Committee goes head to head with the athletic department. During winter term last year, the ACFC suggested a zero percent increase for athletics. In a tense budget meeting where Duck Athletic Fund Executive Director Garrett Klassy @@http://www.uoregon.edu/findpeople/person/Garrett*Klassy@@ was asking for a $48,000 increase, the ACFC, led by ASUO Sen. Ben Bowman, stood its ground. In the end, the committee voted 4-0-0 in favor of a zero percent increase. @@http://dailyemerald.com/2012/02/21/acfc-suggests-zero-percent-increase-for-athletics/@@
4. Charles Denson allegedly secretly donates to the Ben and Katie campaign by Charles Denson. Former Ben and Katie campaign manager Sophie Luthin @@http://www.uoregon.edu/findpeople/person/Sophie*Luthin@@ said that Denson gave her two checks to be donated to the Ben and Katie campaign, and she was told to write them in her name and keep his off the books. This resulted in a trial between Eckstein and former ASUO President Sam Dotters-Katz. In the end, the Constitution Court decided there wasn’t enough evidence to take any action against Eckstein and Taylor. @@http://dailyemerald.com/2012/04/03/grievance-filed-against-asuo-president-ben-eckstein-vp-katie-taylor-2/@@
5. An alleged phishing website is created and sent to ASUO candidates. At the beginning of election season in the spring, a member of the Katie and Alex campaign, headed by Katie Taylor, was accused of creating a phishing website and sending it to members of the other two campaigns. ASUO Sen. Ben Bowman @@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/senate.php?a=30@@ said the website collected email information which was used to enter email accounts of various candidates. Bowman alleged that information in his account was changed, such as phone numbers and dates. As of yet, no one has been formally charged. @@http://dailyemerald.com/2012/04/11/possible-charges-for-denson-and-co/@@
Top five ASUO stories from last year
Daily Emerald
September 27, 2012
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