On my honor, I will try. They are six simple words most famously known for beginning the Girl Scout Promise. They’re also a mantra that defines the Ethos staff. All told, we are 80 students trying our best to balance, well, everything. There are people who have jobs, people in Greek life, people with spouses and kids, people carrying 18 plus credits, people who would just like to sleep in once in a while. Ethos adds making a professional grade magazine to the list. And so we try.
Our efforts aren’t going unnoticed. I recently received news that last year’s issues of Ethos, Fall 2010 to Summer 2011, earned eight awards from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. Such accolades are always encouraging, judged as they are on a national scale by some of the country’s leading media professionals. They help solidify the truth that most student journalists hold to be self-evident: I may be young, but man, can I tell a good story.
The stories we tell in this issue highlight all sorts of trying. One of our most timely pieces profiles the Girl Scouts, a group of more than 3 million trying to remain current after almost 100 years of history (“A Promise for a New Century,” page 18). It was as a Girl Scout that I first recited their famous Promise. I’ve long since retired my vest (except for the occasional photo shoot) but the Promise’s six starting words remain. In the months to come, Ethos will keep on trying and, hopefully, succeeding. On my honor.
Winter 2012
January 9, 2012

Editor in Chief Elisabeth Kramer discusses our latest issue.
Winter 2012
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