Construction to repair damage wreaked in the EMU by a storm more than three months ago has begun, but will take more than two months to be completed, University officials said.
A Dec. 30 storm flooded the east end of the 50-year-old building with 2.5 inches of water that dripped down several levels, bulging and buckling hardwood floors after it collected on the balconies and was blown under doors. Heavy winds, not leaky roofing or windows, were the cause, said Dana Winitzky, EMU facilities director.
“This is very uncommon,” Winitzky said. “Even though we have 10-foot eaves there was enough wind to drive hundreds of gallons of water into the building.”
Some of the entrances, exits and restrooms will be unavailable during the project, and building users should expect detours and moved meetings, according to a press release from ASUO Programs Coordinator Liora Sponko.
“There’s clearly going to be some safety issues, but there will be lots of signage and dangerous areas will be (off limits),” Winitsky said.
Beginning April 10 damaged floors on the ground level, main concourse and skylight level will be rebuilt with concrete.
The EMU also is looking at ways to better seal its doors and drain water from balconies, he said. Construction is expected to be finished by the end of May.
State of the student union building
Daily Emerald
April 3, 2006
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