On this episode of the Idea Industry podcast, Emily Kalei and Franziska Monahan deconstruct Pepsi’s controversial ad that was pulled after a day due to criticisms of making light of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Listen to Emily and Franziska’s conversation about the politically controversial 84 Lumber Super Bowl advertisement here.
Subscribe to the Emerald Podcast Network on iTunes.
This episode was produced by Franziska Monahan. Theme music by Evan DuPell.
Pepsi and Kendall Jenner: A soda ad that falls flat
Franziska Monahan
April 5, 2017

What do the Moon and Nike have in common? In this episode of the Idea Industry, Emily Garcia and Zach Moss discuss typefaces, its impact on presidential elections, which fonts Emily calls the “little black dresses” that never go wrong and why you can’t purchase the Gotham typeface (thanks, Obama). …
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