What kind of roommate are you? The following quiz will reveal all.
Your late-night routine consists of:
A) Blasting classical music.
B) Reading, doing homework, watching TV.
C) Getting it on with the girl/guy of the week.
You describe your love life as:
A) Does the author of your chemistry textbook count as a boyfriend?
B) A strong, committed relationship.
C) Abundant and diverse.
Your sleeping habits:
A) Don’t exist. Too much homework.
B) Nap time is all the time.
C) Don’t exist. Too much partying.
How social are you?
A) Do my World of Warcraft friends count?
B) I have a bunch of different groups of friends from the dorms, from classes and from clubs!
C) I can become best friends with everyone … when I’m wasted.
How much time do you spend in the room/apartment?
A) I sleep, study, eat, drink, hang out, work and take online classes there.
B) I sleep and study there.
C) Sometimes I sleep there.
How would you describe your communication skills?
A) I’m always sure to let people know what I want … and I may not listen to them.
B.) I like to talk out problems logically and calmly.
C) When someone brings up a problem, I put my hands over my ears and yell “LALALALALALALA!”
How would you rate your cooking skills?
A) I can whip up a mean omelet … and that’s about it.
B) France stole my Coque au Vin recipe.
C) Beer ‘n’ ramen is my specialty.
How would you describe your relationship with your roommates before you lived together?
A) Cordial, at best.
B) We all had common interests and spent time together, but not every second of the day.
C) We didn’t know each other.
Your hygiene/cleaning habits would best be described as:
A) My pens are organized by ink capacity, and I hold the Guinness record for most showers taken in one day.
B) A little clutter never hurt anyone, and deodorant is a must.
C) I had to look up “hygiene” in the dictionary just to consider this question.
How would you describe your handling of money?
A) I keep a checkbook and all my receipts organized in a file cabinet. I live for budgets.
B) I occasionally treat myself to something new, or a movie, but I generally keep track of
my expenses.
C) I’ve accidently referred to my roommates as “ATM.”
Your morals & ethics:
A) Rival Mother Teresa’s.
B) I don’t hurt people and I don’t steal … unless you count downloading music.
C) You couldn’t find a ride, and it’s not your fault your roommate left his car keys out in the open.
How would you describe your relationship with animals?
A) My Neopets are doing well, thank you very much.
B) I could get a fish, or maybe a cat.
C) My Doberman sometimes mistakes my roommates for burglars.
Mostly A’s — You may sound like the perfect roommate, but really, you’re there all the time, you’re way too obsessed with cleanliness and you don’t have any friends. Being at home is nice, but being away from home can do you some good, too! Relax and have some fun!
Mostly B’s — When St. Peter was handing out Good Roommate Qualities, you were first in line! You are responsible and reliable, and people can trust you. Communication isn’t a problem for you, and you and your roommates have a great relationship! High five!
Mostly C’s — So you were that guy on Craigslist desperate for a place. You are dirty, disgusting, annoying and your roommates are tired of finding strange undergarments hanging from the ceiling fan. You might want to clean up your act for your next set of roommates!
Quiz: Are you the ideal college roommate?
Daily Emerald
May 13, 2010
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