Podcast Editor Ryan Nguyen interviews 2018-19 Editor-in-Chief Zach Price about the highlights and lows of his tenure at the Emerald: What are some things he’s proud of? What was something he wishes he could change? What’s next for him? In turn, Price interviews the incoming 2019-20 EIC, Michael Tobin, about his goals for the upcoming school year. In keeping fashion with last year’s EIC interview, the podcast concludes with some random trivia for Michael and Zach.
Daily Emerald: “Michael Tobin selected as the Emerald’s 2019-2020 Editor in Chief”
Podcast Editor Ryan Nguyen produced this podcast, and Associate Podcast Editor Sararosa Davies edited. Music is “A Fist Full of Organs” by Evan DuPell and “Funeral” from Zurda Music, modified under a free-to-use license.
Podcast Interview with the Emerald’s 2019-20 Editor-in-Chief: Michael Tobin
Ryan Nguyen, Zach Price, Michael Tobin and Sararosa Davies
April 22, 2019
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