The first week of 2019 has now passed, and you’re getting your first taste of the new year. The one question everyone is asking is centered around their new year’s resolutions made before commencing into January. Some of the most common resolutions people make include going to the gym more, quitting their smoking habits and improving money management skills. There are a few other notable goals that are commonly made and just as hard, but one thing all resolutions seem to have in common is people’s inability to maintain them.
Around the end of December, people start to feel like there are things that need to change in the new year. They hope that once January comes, all of these things will magically happen. This is a disaster waiting to happen. Instead, what usually takes place is a failure to pursue new goals past February. According to a 2016 study conducted by the Statistic Brain Research Institute, only eight percent accomplish their new year goal by the end of the year. In other words, the “new year, new me,” motto usually doesn’t hold up too well.
Here are three simple tips that can help you stay on track and feel proud of your efforts at the end of the year.
Be real with yourself
For some, going cold turkey is not realistic at all. And, in some cases, it may not be the healthiest, either. This is where you have to have an honest conversation with yourself and figure out what is doable. If you want to stop a certain habit, try weaning off of it first, and then gradually get to the point of no longer practicing the hobby anymore. If you want to start a new hobby, go slow and then build the momentum up. Remember, this new year’s resolution is for yourself; at the end of the day, the person who needs to be satisfied is you. Start off strong and honest with yourself about your own abilities.

Pace yourself with the number of resolutions you have
People will often set multiple goals for themselves to achieve and ultimately realize they are struggling to accomplish even one. This is not a race, and you are only competing with yourself. Therefore, the number of goals you set should be realistic and doable. Instead of looking to accomplish three goals all at once, start with one and don’t move on until you feel like you have mastered it. The process is like building a skillset, you can either be really great at one thing or mediocre at a wide variety of things.
Speak it into existence, but don’t jinx yourself
One common online trend was the overbearing amount of people sharing their goals for the new year. It is a good idea to speak things into existence, but not everybody needs to know your goals. Not everybody is on your team, and misery loves company for a lot of folks. A common saying goes, “It is better to work hard in silence and let the success show for itself.” This makes it easier to accept rejections or setbacks you may encounter on your way to accomplishing your goals. The best thing to do to stay on the right path is personally track your goals and make it something you are doing for yourself, rather than a social media post to be shared.
Staying consistent with new changes is hard and, as stated before, there are bound to be some setbacks. However, even if you mess up your goal for the new year or feel you have already disappointed yourself, remember that there are still more than 300 days left to get it right.