The ASUO Senate approved the Programs Finance Committee’s final budget on Wednesday, marking the last committee budget hearing.
Senate ultimately decided to provide full-time funding of the Student Sustainability Coordinator in the ASUO Executive’s PFC funding.
The PFC granted the Executive the full $40,000 requested in its first hearing, but because of the chaotic nature of that first meeting and the way the committee dealt with other salaries, it felt more comfortable recalling the group before going to Senate.
That recall hearing happened Tuesday evening, but committee member and Sen. Laura Hinman moved to end discussion before altering the funding, leaving it up to the Senate.
Paul Shang, assistant vice president and dean of students, discussed the position, as student affairs is funding a $10,000 portion of the position for the current and following year.
“This is a very reasonable salary,” Shang said.
While Sen. Kaitlyn Lange raised questions about the process PFC went through for this position, the Senate felt the position would add to campus activities.
“I really, really know that we need these services on campus,” Lange said, commenting on her experience on EMU Board, “due to a precedent I’ve set for myself (in) support (of) this being full time.”
The Senate also continued to grant money to approved programs from its surplus account Wednesday, before moving on to discuss requests from its Over-realized fund.
The surplus account is created when student groups either donate remaining money in their incidental fee account, realizing it won’t be spent, or, if unreturned, the money is removed from the group’s account at the end of the fiscal year.
Over-realized funds are created because the incidental fee is determined based on projected enrollment — before all students have actually enrolled.
Per a decision by former ASUO President Emma Kallaway, the money in the actual fund each year comes from the previous year’s enrollment underestimation.
The meeting’s business started off with two requests from the Crisis Center and the Senate itself to return $24,910 to the surplus account. Student groups are now returning funds in order to quell a budget crisis faced by the Senate in that account right now.
Before the two surplus donations, the Graduate Evolutionary Biology and Ecology Students requested a creation of a new line item and a transfer of $135 from the broad Winter Retreat line item as reimbursement for food.
The Senate then voted on approval of two special requests.
The Climate Justice League requested $10,000, which, with their $16,250 of planned fundraising, would send a group of 30 people to Washington, D.C., for this year’s Power Shift conference.
Former University student and ASUO Sen. Jeremy Blanchard advocated for the group he helped found when he was a student. The CJL request was approved with 13 approving votes, one opposing and two abstaining.
The Women’s Center requested $550 to rent a one-time-use ramp so a performer could access a stage in Agate Hall. Several senators, including Max Barkley, were outraged by the fact that the group even had to ask for money to help with accessibility.
“I’m angry at the University administration; I wish this was never needed in the first place,” Barkley said.
After some short logistical questions to ensure the ability of the group to use the money for the event, the request was approved with 16 senators approving and one abstaining.
Next, the Senate hosted a short discussion about possible rule changes to bolster ASUO outreach to students and the approval of a ballot measure making the position of the Senate freshman representative more open to all freshmen.
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ASUO approves Programs Finance Committee’s final budget
Daily Emerald
March 2, 2011
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