Ben & Jerry’s Free Cone Day will benefit the Eugene Relief Nursery for the second year.
Kids and ice cream might be universally linked. The connection is timeless; all summer, every summer, the telltale signs of multi-colored frozen treat stains grace the face of many a youngster. However, Ben & Jerry’s has an even deeper tie to children today, given that Free Cone Day doubles as a benefit for the Eugene Relief Nursery.
Ben & Jerry’s, located at 1239 Alder St., will be serving up free ice cream cones from noon to 9 p.m. today, with the help of employees and 20 to 25 volunteers from the Relief Nursery.
Nursery Development Director Michelle Meader said the organization is a private nonprofit group dedicated to preventing child abuse. The nursery’s main services come in the form of a preschool and parenting classes.
“We provide free preservation services to low-income families who have children under the age of six who are at risk of child abuse and neglect,” Meader said.
She added that Free Cone Day helps raise money for the organization through a raffle and donations. Ben & Jerry’s customers can buy a raffle ticket for $1, giving them a chance to win six months of free Internet service, or they can make a donation of at least 50 cents to receive a free coupon to get an additional free ice cream cone on any day. Meader said volunteers will also furnish information about the nursery’s programs to interested customers.
Meader said the Relief Nursery was also the beneficiary of last year’s Free Cone Day, and the organization became involved through Ben & Jerry’s owner Gary Bertelsen, who Meader said has been a dedicated supporter of the nursery.
Bertelsen said Ben & Jerry’s has always been interested in helping nonprofit organizations. The shop has hosted Free Cone Day each of the 25 years since its Eugene founding; all 250 Ben & Jerry’s stores across the country participate in the event. He added that the local store chose the nursery a second time because of economic considerations.
“It’s tougher times, so we picked them again,” he said.
In addition to assisting the Relief Nursery, Bertelsen said the day is a way for Ben & Jerry’s to start the season and thank its customers.
“It’s to let people know that we’re still here,” he said. “It’s our way of saying thanks.”
He added that radio station KNRQ will broadcast live from the shop for several hours, and that the store won’t sell anything during the day. Instead, the nearly 65 workers and volunteers will devote the entire time to scooping up free cones — including several new flavors, such as oatmeal cookie and brownie batter.
Meader said nursery staff members will also work behind the counter.
“If they need us, we’ll get out there and scoop ice cream,” she said.
The Relief Nursery raised more than $1000 during the event last year, and Meader said the goal this year is similar.
“We rely on the community for a lot of our donations,” she said. “If everyone gives 50 cents, that adds up really quickly.”
Meader said the event’s timing is fitting because April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Besides being a nonprofit fundraiser, Bertelsen said the free ice cream adds up to just plain fun.
“It’s a good time,” he said, adding that customers can come back as many times as they desire for free cones today.
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