The ASUO Student Senate met Thursday to grant special requests to several student groups.
The Community Internship
Program, Native American Law Students Association, Minority Law Students Association,
Students of the Indian Subcontinent and the Nontraditional
Student Union were all granted fund transfers to various accounts.
CIP requested $126 be moved from one account to another in
order to buy gifts for guest speakers, because the group does not pay them. The motion passed 15-1.
CIP also asked for funds from
a salary account — meant to pay for a second director — be used for a public relations coordinator and a marketing coordinator,
because the group did not have two directors. Two separate
motions for both coordinators passed 15-1.
NALSA requested $150 be moved from one food account to another to buy cookies, tea and other supplies for a reception for the Navajo Supreme Court, who will visit the University on Feb. 6. This motion passed 15-1. MLSA asked that $50 be moved from
one account to another for the same occasion. This motion passed 15-1.
SIS requested $100 be moved from a cultural speaker account to a programming account. The motion passed 15-1. The group also asked for $68 to be moved from
a film account to a printing and duplicating account. This passed 14-2. Finally, the group asked for $725 to be moved from a separate programming account to a food account for an upcoming event. Several senators questioned
this request because the group identified it as not being a fundraiser, and wanted to charge admission. This miscommunication was resolved, and the motion passed 14-2.
Finally, the NSU requested $100 be moved from an account for an event that never took place to another event on Feb. 25-26. The motion was amended because
the senate could not transfer funds for a small food expense. By separate 15-1 votes, $85 and $15 were transferred into different food accounts.
— Roman Gokhman