Oregon Cheerleading will release a calendar featuring members of the team. The idea for the calendar came about last spring as potential fundraiser to offset the program’s debt.
The featured photos, which include veteran members of Oregon Cheer, were taken by photographer Zach Ancell@@www.zachancell.com/Artist.asp?ArtistID=27436&Akey=D3TYD4P8@@ during the first four home games of the season. Although the team originally planned to use studio shots instead of the calendar’s featured action shots, head coach Dana Guthrie@@correct@@ said she believes people will be pleased by what she calls the “Instagram” feel of the calendar.
“All the photos are in Autzen stadium,” she said, “so people can feel a connection with the girls in the calendar, and that is a special thing.”
The calendar goes on sale October 18, and will be sold for $15.99 through the Oregon Cheer website and the Duck Store.
Oregon Cheer fights budget problem with calendar
Samantha Matsumoto
October 1, 2012
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