OSPIRG was awarded its recommended budget increase of 97 percent with a 3-2-0 vote of approval from ACFC during a budget hearing Tuesday night.
Supporters in green shirts showed support in 229 Mackenzie for OSPIRG and the requested budget increase. The group requested 97 percent more funding than the $86,280 it received this year. The increase, if approved by the ASUO Senate later this term, will raise OSPIRG’s funding to nearly $170,000.
OSPIRG was awarded $117,000 in 2009 prior to being defunded. The new funding level would surpass that amount by about $53,000, or 45 percent. This is also the biggest budget OSPIRG has had from the ASUO in the last ten years.
The meeting began with a presentation by four board members from OSPIRG. The board spoke of the programs they are currently working on and explained what the increase will be used for.
“We are creating two new positions — community organizer and a field organizer,” OSPIRG board member Zach Mulholland said.@@http://directory.uoregon.edu/telecom/directory.jsp?p=findpeople%2Ffind_results&m=student&d=person&b=name&s=Zach+Mulholland@@
A short period for public opinion was held shortly after board members presented that consisted of many personal testimonials.
“I think a lot of students involved in OSPIRG are able to have an impact on larger issues and then take that and do something with it on campus,” former ASUO Legislative Affairs coordinator Molly Bennison said.@@http://www.kval.com/news/111160434.html?m=y&smobile=y&c=n@@
Then, it was time for the committee to discuss. Sen. and ACFC Chair Ben Bowman supported OSPIRG and the increased funding.@@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/acfc.php?a=32@@
“I want to know that while I might not be able to work on those issues, at least there is a group fighting for them,” Bowman said. “I am in support of OSPIRG because I want to leave a better world.”
But those who opposed the increase were concerned about the amount of money being requested.
“97 percent is huge,” Sen. Brianna Woodside-Gomez said@@http://directory.uoregon.edu/telecom/directory.jsp?p=findpeople%2Ffind_results&m=student&d=person&b=name&s=Brianna+Woodside-Gomez@@. “If any other group on campus asked for that, it would get shot down immediately.”
Another concern was voiced by Sen. Ben Rudin.@@http://directory.uoregon.edu/telecom/directory.jsp?p=findpeople%2Ffind_results&m=student&d=person&b=name&s=Benjamin+Rudin@@
“It’s about political freedom,” Rudin said. “This goes against the freedom to contribute to causes you want to and refrain from contributing to causes you don’t support.”
The committee ultimately reached a vote. Bowman, Reps. Christina Hardesty and Shabd Khalsa@@http://asuo.uoregon.edu/acfc.php?a=32@@ voted in support of the funding increase, while Woodside-Gomez and Rep. Andrew Quinlan voted against.@@http://directory.uoregon.edu/telecom/directory.jsp?p=findpeople%2Ffind_results&m=student&d=person&b=name&s=Andrew+Quinlan@@