Steve Neuman’s cartoon of Lars Larson (“Immigration deserves rational discussion,” ODE, Feb. 28) had insight: Lars had his mouth wide open with nothing of significance coming out. I had my encounter with the former KEZI newsman after his Portland radio producer called me to be on his show.
He wanted to discuss with me my committee’s decision to have the Wayne Morse Integrity in Politics Award go to Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), who voted against the war in Iraq. After standard amenities, he started his typical rightwing-style bashing:
“How could you louses in Eugene honor a traitor?” He rattled on. When he took a breath, I interrupted:
“Mr. Larson, is it true your daddy was campaign manager for notorious Sen. Joe McCarthy when he sought the 1952 GOP nomination for president?”
Larson went ballistic. When he quit gagging, he yelled: “That’s enough from you, you louse!” and hung up. Then he broke the law by giving his listeners my home phone number, urging them to tie up my line the rest of the day.
I ignored the phone the rest of the day. Having been able to lash back at Larson was satisfying, as was the Emerald’s editorial describing his adolescent behavior.
George Beres
Eugene resident
Emerald cartoon was on the mark in representing Larson
Daily Emerald
March 12, 2007
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