Jethro Higgins’ guest commentary on May 14th about the Student Insurgent is bewildering to me (“Student Insurgent still insulting Christians,” ODE, May 14, 2007). As an editor of the SI, I was surprised to hear that we had recently made a “decision to reprint the offensive cartoons” of Jesus featured in our March issue of last year.
My confusion stems from the fact that we never made any such decision. What Higgins may be referencing is the fact that we have been distributing back issues from last year, including the Jesus issue, around campus in order to clear some office space for ourselves. Many of us just want to get rid of the Jesus issue and put all the hullabaloo and self-righteous indignation it evoked behind us. I would think Higgins would share this sentiment, but whereas the SI never wanted to be thrust into the spotlight by this banal and irrelevant issue, Higgins seems to want to prolong the tedious Christianity debate. We’ve moved on; lampooning Christianity is fun, in a childish sort of way, but we’ve got even bigger fish to fry.
Sam Whitehill
Co-editor of the Student Insurgent