One of the most exciting things about welcoming Spring term is being able to wave goodbye to the seemingly never-ending winter quarter. Gone are the days of dwelling in the constant grey-ness of the skies and the feeling of being stuck. For most University of Oregon students, winter term is the worst of the school year. As the clouds begin to clear, campus morale is quickly climbing and students are looking up and opening their windows for the first time since the fall.
Come April or May, people begin to swap out their hoodies for tank tops and fold the rest of their winter gear. Overstuffed dressers and crowded closets aren’t the only things that need spring cleaning; a fresh perspective and renewed motivation are crucial. Here are some helpful tips on how to shake the gloominess of the winter term funk and fully embrace the sunny springtime.
Think back to January, February and March, and identify habits and tendencies that you’d like to kick. It’s important to be self-aware and break cycles that you’ve noticed aren’t healthy. Whether you spent too much time in isolation, procrastinated past the acceptable college level or neglected to clean your living space, determine what routines you’d like to repeat and which need to be purged.
Set goals
Once you’ve identified what needs changing, write down a set list of goals. It might seem elementary or redundant, but having a written list can be a great reminder and motivator. Your goals can range from thinking patterns to steps toward a successful career, as long as they are within reach. Whatever it may be, get it on paper and get it posted somewhere you’ll see it. Spring term is the perfect time to maximize productivity. A list of goals will prompt you to take yourself from where you are to where you want to be.
Stacy Yurishcheva/Daily Emerald
Don’t underestimate a solid night of sleep. College students either disregard the importance of sleep or see it as a luxury they’ll never be lucky enough to attain. Both are wrong. Sleep, like plenty of other things, just needs to be prioritized. It is not about having time, it is about making time. Your health will quickly decline if your body doesn’t get the rest it so desperately needs.
Eat healthy and be active
The food you put into your body makes a big difference in your physical and emotional well-being. If you eat poorly, you’ll probably start to feel and look worse. Put down the Hot Pockets and pick up the protein and produce. Spring could not be a better season for breaking out the barbecue and grilling some chicken and veggies. Developing an active lifestyle will also boost your energy and attitude. Check out this article on how exercising can help you de-stress and be a happier person all around.
Surround yourself with a good group
You become who you hang out with. Cliche, but true. Not only will you begin to adopt the habits of your peers, but their standards will become your own. Take inventory of who is in your circle, and make some adjustments if they’re not positive influences. If you invest in a healthy and constructive group, you will better yourself. Besides, good friends make life more enjoyable. They will encourage you and speak truth into your life where you need to hear it. Here are some ways to enjoy spring with your friends.
Make a list and make a plan
With your friends or without, make a list of fun things you’d like to experience and explore and go for it. Ask around to find some of the many breathtaking spots Oregon has to offer and go on an adventure. There is no better way to get excited about these next few months than getting some trips on the calendar. Now that the weather is becoming less of an issue, there is no excuse.