Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is dredging up Bill Clinton’s sex scandal history that occurred during his presidency. The only reason Trump is dragging these incidents out is to enhance his own campaign and put a damper on Hillary Clinton’s.
Though both Mr. and Mrs. Clinton refused to respond to Trump’s accusations and critical analysis, it is still obviously rough ground for the couple. It was not something they hoped to address during Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. It is a tired and seasoned subject that has no place in the 2016 campaign.
A grown man turned into a tattle-tale to focus bad publicity on the Clintons, and in all honesty, made it quite obvious that he needed something as low as gossip to keep citizens talking about him. The Clintons are being asked to address old headlines, which is taking time away from their present campaign. Hopefully citizens will realize why this news is coming up and vote based off their beliefs and not gossip.
By using old scandals, Trump is acting in a selfish way to keep his candidacy strong. A candidate should seek to show their skill sets to the people. He or she should stand firmly in their beliefs, respond to opposing views with respect and strive to create a different, hopefully better, future for American citizens. Pointing fingers turns this country into a playground with bullies pushing others around to get their way.
Two reasons to use Clinton’s past as a campaign booster are remarkably obvious. As an article in the Boston Globe illustrates, Trump wants to keep his name in the press at all times. Understandably, no candidate wants to be left out of the media, but policies and speeches concerning the well being of this country should dictate the news. Old news about sex scandals should not.
Secondly, Trump is targeting a specific age group: the young generation of new voters. Many of these individuals were too young, or had yet to be born, when Clinton’s scandal reached headline news. Trump is rehashing it to gain more popular votes.
I firmly believe that the facts about the Clinton scandal should be remembered. It is and will always be a part of history. For some citizens, that truth may sway their vote and that is entirely their choice.
But, it has no place in an election. Is this a soap opera or a political campaign? Gossip is far too plentiful in this country, already. Do we want it to be witnessed at the front of this nation? Politicians are supposed to help us and fight for the rights of the people. It is a job that was always supposed to be done for other people. Now it looks like a live-action Instagram account where people are doing or posting things to gain more votes.
The Clinton scandal happened and if it matters to you then do your own research. If it comes from the mouth of Trump, ignore him. He isn’t announcing these facts for you or me.
Trump is looking out for his campaign by slandering another candidate with old news. This isn’t about if a Republican is better than a Democrat, or vice versa. Every candidate for the presidency, no matter their party, should be focusing on what the purpose of a politician is and creating new policies that will help future generations of America.
When a new president is selected hopefully he or she will have been chosen for the job because they are ready to make a positive change in this country not because they were the best at bringing other the other candidates down.
Foster: Past gossip has no place in a political election
Jessica Foster
January 24, 2016
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