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The Student News Site of University of Oregon

Daily Emerald

The Student News Site of University of Oregon

Daily Emerald

The Student News Site of University of Oregon

Daily Emerald

A Child of Hitler’s War

A Child of Hitler’s War

Aliya Hall
June 2, 2015
(Evan Norton/Ethos)

A Slice of the Pie

June 2, 2015
(Evan Norton/Ethos)

Down to Earth

Lindsay McWilliams
June 2, 2015
(Devin Ream/Ethos)

Let It Snow

May 26, 2015
Upcycled designer Mitra Chester makes discarded items fresh and valuable

Trashy Fashion

May 26, 2015
(Gordon Friedman/Ethos)

Madness in the Mist

Jen Jackson
May 22, 2015
(Emily Albertson/Ethos)

Dwell in Douglas Firs

Lindsay McWilliams
May 22, 2015
Fixing Mowers and Meowers

Fixing Mowers and Meowers

May 19, 2015
This is the final part in Ethos’ three-part series in which alumni of the magazine share memories of their time here. Statesman Journal political reporter Gordon Friedman writes on his tenure as the magazine’s Editor in Chief, reporting on the Malheur Refuge occupation for USA Today, and what it takes to be a journalist after college.

Editor’s Note

May 19, 2015
Image courtesy Wikimedia

Book Review: Mr. Bridge by Connell

Jordyn Brown
May 13, 2015
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