Age: 21
Hometown: Redmond, WA
Year: Senior
Major: Business Administration
Dream job: I love talking to people…and I’m actually working for Frito Lay when i graduate and I’m doing sales so i want to do something in sales or recruiting. I really want to work for LinkedIn, but I would also be interested in working for companies with a health focus. I just know that I want to work in a setting where I can constantly be talking and working with people.
Why did you choose U of O?
My rule was that my twin sister and I would go to different colleges, so that we would branch out. I’m a homebody so I knew if I went to UW I’d go home every weekend and not really enjoy the college experience and I also wanted something with sports. So this was like the perfect distance from home that still offered everything that I wanted.
How/Why do you want to change the world?
In terms of “how I want to change the world” I find myself reflecting on the moments that have had the biggest impact on my life. Each moment revolves around one thing, and that is people. I have found that the times I am the happiest, inspired, and feel invincible are by simple conversations. Life moves so fast and we often times lose sight of what matters most. Each person has a story, hardships, successes, and that’s what makes them unique. I want to change the world by listening. Taking the time to genuinely listen, it’s as simple as that. You can never underestimate the power of smiling, looking someone in the eyes, and believing they are a rarity. Whether it’s someone I know personally, a stranger I sit next to on the airplane, a co worker, or an old friend, I want to be the one that asks the questions that make each person feel special. While this is something simple, something small, and something that often times is overlooked, I believe I can change the world by being the one to never judge, never give up on someone, and never let someone feel alone in this crazy thing we call life.
Also, I just want to stress how much of an impact my friends have had on my life. I know I mentioned it throughout the interview, but I truly believe they are the sole reason I even have this opportunity. They are the ones that deserve this, and the ones I without a doubt need to give credit to. I have my flaws, I’ve had my moments, and I’ve definitely put stress on a lot of people. I find myself sometimes feeling guilty. But the people I am so blessed to be surrounded with are some of the most empowering, driven, and beautiful people I know. They have stuck by my side when I wasn’t the most enjoyable person to be around, and have believed in me since the beginning. I truly do not know how I got so lucky, but I want to thank them for seeing through my flaws and never failing to bring a smile to my face.
I want to change the world through a simple smile. That’s really what it is. What I said in the previous email is all true but this is without a doubt the number one way I want to change the world. Think about when you’re walking down the street having a bad day and someone smiles at you. It’s the boost you need, the little thing that turns your day around. By changing the world you don’t have to do something drastic or widespread, it can be something as little as a smile that will impact every single person you come across. I think this along with listening are what I have to say!
Best part of your college experience?
Probably the friends that I’ve made. I had a really close group of friends growing up from preschool until college and I never expected that i’d meet friends to that level again. The four years of college have without a doubt been the most challenging four years of my life and I’ve grown a lot, learned a lot, been an idiot at times and definitely needed people by my side to get me through it. And I always tell my friends that ‘I can’t thank you enough’ because I would not be where I am today without them and I know these friendships will last past college.
What are you proud to have been part of at U of O?
Women in business. I joined because I needed a group outside of Kappa and outside of my close group of friends that supported me academically because I had the group of friends that supported me in all other aspects of my life but I really needed that core group of people that could push me and help me get through the tough classes. I’ve been on exec (of women in business) for a couple of years now and I just feel like it’s really helped me to find who i am and now that I do know who I am and know who I want to be in life I can help other girls do the same. And obviously Kappa too has been really influential.
Goals after college?
I have a lot of goals. i’m the type of person that can’t stop. This is the first term that I have free time and I’m realizing that I kind of enjoy it, but I’ve been really busy all of college so after school I’m going to go work for Frito Lay in San Jose. This year has really opened my eyes to what success actually is and my goal is to find balance — spend time with the people i love, have a career that is intriguing every day but also changes peoples lives and positively impacts them every single day. I’m not exactly sure what that career is, but I know that if I can somehow impact someone’s life every single day when i wake up…I think I will be really happy.
Role model?
My dad lost his job during the recession and he woke up every single day from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. trying to find a job… I feel like most people would give up after constantly being rejected and he felt like he was letting our family down when in reality it was just the circumstances of the economy. But he’s really shown me that if you persevere and continue to work hard every day, things will work out. He’s the most generous, kind person but he still likes to have fun.
My heroes are without a doubt my mom and dad. I know I mentioned why my dad is seen in this regard, but I too think it’s important to mention my mom. She is the most selfless person I have ever met. The amount of phone calls to her at midnight where I’ve been in tears and stressed are truly infinite, however she still to this day picks up the phone.
25 Ducks: Kelly Weiss
Kira Hoffelmeyer
April 29, 2015
Age: 21 Hometown: Redmond, WA Year: Senior Major: Business Administration Dream job: I love talking to people…and I’m actually working for Frito Lay when i graduate and I’m doing sales so i want to do something in sales or recruiting. I really want to work for LinkedIn, but I would …
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