OSPIRG’s ballot measure, which asked students if they support Oregon raising its solar energy consumption from .02 percent to 10 percent by 2025, passed by an 89 percent margin. OSPIRG students are meeting with Governor Kate Brown’s environment and energy office this term to ask for a commitment to increase solar energy consumption.
“(Brown) is pretty progressive and cares about environmental issues,” Kat Lockwood, OSPIRG organizing director said. “We want her to make this part of her agenda for her term in office.”
According to Lockwood, bills pertaining to solar energy conversion will likely pass with Brown’s support. With the student support presented in the election results, OSPIRG will have more leverage in asking Brown to make the commitment.
The results of the ballot measure were out of 2,790 students.
“This sends a really strong message that we can now use to make a real change to solar energy in Oregon,” said UO OSPIRG chapter chair, Hannah Picknell.
She said that although increasing solar energy in Oregon to 10 percent is an ambitious goal, it’s a huge way to prevent global warming and protect the environment.
After meeting with the governor, OSPIRG students plan on supporting the University of Oregon Student Sustainability Coalition’s campaign to increase solar energy on campus, primarily by placing solar panels on top of the EMU. They will find out if they received a grant for these panels on Earth Day, April 22.
OSPIRG solar energy ballot measure wins by 89 percent
Anna Lieberman
April 7, 2015
Groundbreaking energy research is taking place at the University of Oregon. When UO President Michael Schill announced that research is a top priority under his leadership, Shannon Boettcher and a team of graduate students took up the call. Their work on the production of low-cost, high-performance solar panel cells could …
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