Senate had a multifaceted agenda in its first meeting after budget discussions, ideally, had come to an end.
Senate passed Athletics and Contracts Finance Committee’s and Programs Finance Committee’s budgets again at tonight’s meeting after both budgets were called into question for failing to give proper notice of committee meetings during the Senate 2015 budget meeting on Feb. 21. Senators discussed a grievance filed against the ACFC and passed its and PFC’s budgets once again as a safeguard in the event that Con Court decides that the ACFC budget vote from Saturday was void.
Elections Board
Prior to the budgets, Senate also confirmed JunJun Wang and Elise Maclean as Elections Board Coordinator Monica Nunan’s first two hires to the board. Wang was confirmed as Office Manager and Maclean was confirmed to the PR position. Senators asked the two candidates about their experience in leadership and their proficiency with legal procedures. Maclean spoke about her desire to improve the voter guide to help more students get more engaged with and involved in elections.
Special Requests
In addition, Senate heard ten special requests. Of these, Forbidden Fruit caused the longest debate. The group requested funds for its “Rocky Horror Pride Week.”
Senators Kate Klosno, Will Iversen, Robin Lilley and Hao Tan expressed concern over spending $18,000 to bring Cassandra Peterson, the actress who plays the original Elvira from the Rocky Horror Picture Show to draw a greater audience to the show.
“I’m kind of uncomfortable granting this much money for Elvira to come here,” Tan said.
Elle Mallon, gender and sexuality diversity advocate with the ASUO, said that without Elvira, the turnout to the event would dramatically decrease.
The discussion led to an amendment to Forbidden Fruit’s initial motion of a transfer to include $900 from surplus. This amendment was passed, but the motion still failed.
Senate was particularly enthusiastic about the request from the International Student Association. The group requested funds for their weekly Coffee Hour event. The ISA has experienced record-breaking turnouts to their events, and are struggling to accommodate guests at their events in terms of space.
Senators who have attended Coffee Hour expressed their support for the event.
“It’s like a mosh pit in there, but a peaceful one,” Senator Morales-O’Connor said.
That motion passed.
The Veterans and Family Student Association requested $701 to put on and provide food for a panel event in April that will focus on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of combat or sexual violence. The presenters gave personal testimonies as to the role veteran support has played in their own lives. Senate passed the request.
Next Week
Senate will continue to refocus on special requests as budget season comes to an end. Senate meetings take place in the EMU Walnut Room Wednesdays at 7 p.m.
For more information on the ASUO, visit their website.
Senate deals with backlogged special requests in the wake of budget season
Andrew Field
February 25, 2015
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