Let the hungry die!
Reading the April 28 Register-Guard article, “Official apologizes for Dumpster remark,” I was appalled to hear that “Dumpster diving” would be suggested to people requesting assistance. Trash belongs in trash cans, period. The idea that hungry people should root through someone’s refuse on the chance they might be able to feed themselves is absolutely repugnant, and said hungry people should be ashamed.
According to the USDA, Americans throw away at least 100 billion pounds of food each year. They waste it for a reason — they don’t want it. Maybe the “Best By” date has passed, it might not look “sellable” or maybe the label is torn or scratched!
The USDA also said this food could feed all the hungry people in America, but that doesn’t make “Dumpster diving” any more defensible. Looking through garbage is an ugly habit, and it’s illegal! That’s right, these so-called “harmless Dumpster divers” are engaging in criminal activities by trespassing and stealing!
Luckily, some businesses that help waste 100 billion pounds of food have the common sense to lock their Dumpsters, ensuring that their waste gets wasted. Here’s an obvious suggestion for lawmakers: Mandate that Dumpsters be locked to guarantee that wasted food never feeds anyone but ends up in landfills, where it belongs!
In the meantime, local businesses should follow the trend of pouring bleach on the food they waste. That way, caring Eugeneans can rest assured that any criminal tempted by free, edible food will pay with their lives.
Lucas Spiegel