The Student Senate’s newly formed appropriations committee, charged with soliciting student input about how to spend $800,000 in over-realized funds, discussed Friday the best way to accomplish its task.
The committee will solicit input through forms that ask questions about estimated costs and the effects proposals will have on University students. The forms will be available in the ASUO office.
“We’re going to try to collect as many suggestions as possible on these forms,” said Sen. Jacob Daniels.
The committee will stop accepting proposals halfway through winter term. Senators will look at all suggestions, but ideas will need to be sponsored by a specific senator, who will research the costs and feasibility of the proposal before bringing it to the full committee.
Senators intend to create three proposals for consideration in an open, town-hall style meeting. The final proposal will need approval from the full Senate, ASUO President Jared Axelrod and University President Dave Frohnmayer.
Daniels said he has heard many suggestions already. The Oregon Commentator, a conservative publication on campus, has suggested using the money to reduce next year’s incidental fee.
Several sections of an upper-division business class will work on projects to submit to the committee for review as well, Daniels said.
The committee chose Daniels as its chair and Sen. Ashley Sherrick as vice chair.
It will meet Sunday evenings from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. starting winter term.
ASUO senate to take ideas on spending surplus
Daily Emerald
December 3, 2006
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