Located in the basement of the Prince Lucien Campbell Hall, the Teaching Learning Center is a place for students to come to for advising, tutoring and workshops.
Several programs are located in TLC. These include Pathway Oregon, Trio SSS, the McNair Scholars Program, Student Support Services and the Undergraduate Support Program.
Eventually, however, the programs housed in TLC will move to the Knight Library, Oregon Hall and Tykeson Hall, in an effort to make things easier for students.
The moving of programs to other buildings will happen during the summer, according to Vice Provost of International Affairs Dennis Galvan, but not everything will be complete until after Tykeson Hall opens in 2019.
The purpose of this relocation is to make advising and resources more accessible for students.
“The Office of Academic Advising is in Oregon Hall, but people who do really well with tutoring, the most skilled people, people with actual PhDs in the field [are in] PLC, and peer tutors are in the library,” Galvan said. “It’s just too fragmented.”
Galvan said that they are trying to get down to two buildings.
“The horror story is a student wants advising, and goes to place X, and is told ‘oh, no, we don’t do that, you have to go to place Y’ [and so on],” Galvan said. “We want them to go to place X, and we’ll hand you to the right person.”
The long-term goal of this reorganization is to improve retention of students and graduation rates.
To accomplish this, a large emphasis is placed upon first year programs. Associate Vice Provost of Student Success Doneka Scott, who came to UO last year, will help to run Freshman Interest Groups and Academic Residential Communities with advising, so that the two groups will collaborate more.
“If we can get all 80 people [together], we can do amazing things,” Galvan said.
Reporting lines will change beginning in February. This means that most directors of programs will have different leadership than before.
TLC Office Manager Kim Lilley did not wish to comment.
Follow Kylie Storm on Twitter: @kmstorm99
Teaching and Learning Center to undergo reorganization, move to multiple different halls across campus
Kylie Storm
January 29, 2018
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