Dennis Kucinich is a welcome face in primaries
I thank Congressman Kucinich, D-Ohio, for staying in the presidential race. Kucinich has vowed to stay in the race to advocate for ending the war in Iraq, providing universal health care, promoting a full employment economy and ending the unfair trade agreements, NAFTA and WTO. Without Kucinich in the race, there would be no need for the other candidates to even be discussing these issues on these terms.
It has been he that has stood unwavering in his convictions and has provided the voice for progressive issues, not least of which is the ending of the occupation in Iraq, that the others, including Governor Dean, would be avoiding due to the same fear of an impact on their “electability” if they stand against the war and its infinite funding. The record is clear.
Kucinich’s effort is only the beginning of a movement in this country away from militarism. His candidacy is a place for coming together of those of us who agree that our government should serve the people and be of the people. Dennis Kucinich is doing our country a great favor by subjecting himself to this rigorous exercise with grace and his usual dedication to the public good. Let’s now get behind him and support him vigorously in these primaries.
Jean Robertson
Cleveland, Ohio