Feb. 14 is not only a day for romantic crooners and committed couples to prove their love. It can also serve as a reminder to everyone of the importance of all relationships.
And if cupid has neglected his duties recently, worry not. Simply look around at fulfilling relationships of all kinds.
“They provide stability, emotional support, meaning, richness and vitality to my life,” senior Misha Popenuk said. “In the grand scheme, everything is meaningless except for friendship.”
Popenuk added that interpersonal relationships enable a person to transcend the physical world and tap directly into the constant current that is flowing deep within all people.
Sophomore Jamie Yarbrough holds her relationships in the highest esteem and understands the impact they all have on her.
“Every person you meet has an influence on your life, and the relationships you develop help mold you into the person that you become,” she said.
Senior Maureen Sander acknowledges the importance of showing appreciation to her friends in small ways she said matter most.
“Giving someone a big old hug is something fun to do,” Sander said.
Carli Morgenstein, a journalism major, said she loves doing spontaneous acts to let her friends know how important they are to her.
“Some days I will buy a bunch of sunflowers and pass them out throughout the day to all my friends,” she said. “Or once my friend was sad so I got him a little teddy bear to make him smile.”
Evan Cael is a freelance reporter
for the Emerald.