ASUO Exec is Hiring!
ASUO President-Elect Luda Isakharov and Vice President-Elect Kavi Shrestha are hiring to build their ASUO cabinet. Each member receives $730 or $609 a month via stipend for their leadership and works to make campus better for students by helping student organizations, writing state policy, advocating for various groups on campus, planning and facilitating events, and representing the student body.
Click this link to apply to ASUO and work with other student leaders to make a change on campus. Read below to learn more about the positions available and the cabinet structure!
The cabinet is split into four departments: Internal, External, Communications, and Finance.
The Internal Department has three teams within it. The first Internal Team is Student Organization Support. This team works to help student organizations throughout campus work together to plan events and training and create resources to support 200 student organizations and around 1000 student leaders at the UO. The next Internal Team is Student Life. This team works to revitalize campus through events and increasing on-campus student engagement. Events Secretaries will oversee the planning and execution of campus events with guidance from the Internal Chief of Staff. The Fraternity and Sorority Life Secretary (FSL) will oversee outreach and engagement with Greek Life. The last Internal Team is the Human Resources Team which consists of the Internal Affairs Secretary, who will facilitate internal processes; the Hiring Secretary, who will conduct recruitment and hiring of all ASUO personnel; and the Internal Policy Secretary, who will create and enforce internal policies.
The External Department has two teams that work together to push ASUO’s agenda statewide and on campus. The Policy Team works to develop and implement legislative goals. External Project Managers will oversee the development of issue-specific initiatives. Policy Secretaries will collaborate with both advocacy and legislative teams on the application of policy initiatives. All secretaries in this branch can expect to work closely with both local and statewide legislators to advocate for student interests. The Advocacy Team will address issues within various focus areas, such as Student Labor, Mental Health, DEI, Accessibility, and Gender & Sexuality. Advocacy Secretaries will be responsible for implementing projects and responsible for managing a committee to support their efforts.       
The Communications Department consists of five secretaries managed by the Communications Director. A Secretary of Design, Copywriting, Engagement, Photography, and Videography. The department will act as the content creators of the ASUO Executive. The department will filter all outward communications through the department. The Comms Department will create all materials for social media, physical materials (e.g., posters, banners, fliers), Op-Eds for the Emerald and other publications, email newsletters, and various other media.
Lastly, the Finance Department will consist of a Finance Director and the Executive Designees for the four ASUO finance committees. They will serve as members of each of their respective finance committees while also being a liaison to the Executive Branch. These roles will be important in implementing Executive projects through the finance committees.