ASUO senators have repealed a resolution that stops off-campus retreat funding requests.
In its meeting last week, the senate passed a resolution preventing funding for any off-campus retreat from surplus. Senators debated on the benefits of off-campus retreats.
The controversy began at the same meeting when senate approved Oregon Life’s off-campus retreat, but denied the Chinese Philanthropic Leadership Association’s request.
During today’s public forum, CPLA presented reasons why the resolution “felt unfair.”
Other students also expressed concerns about the resolution.
UO student Joaquin Ramos said the resolution will hurt the Multicultural Center, because these retreats include training, workshops and “things that do not happen in the classroom.”
Another audience member said that off-campus retreats are vital for historically underrepresented students who may not feel safe talking about certain topics on campus.
Ultimately, the senate passed to repeal the resolution with 15 “yes,” five “no” and two abstained votes.
The senate then voted on Senator Zach Rentschler’s proposed resolution, requiring student groups to provide a “detailed agenda” with times, dates and details about workshops and activities at the retreat.
The resolution passed with 14 “yes,” two “no” and six abstained votes.
At the end of the meeting, Senator Jason Selby said senate should hold off-campus retreats and conferences to the same standard, requiring the group to fundraise at least half of the needed amount. Senate will consider the proposal in next week’s meeting.
CPLA presented its request for an off-campus retreat to the Oregon Coast, which was tabled last senate meeting.
During that meeting, several senators said that the retreat could be held on campus, while others said that the request lacked organization. However, during this senate meeting their proposal was funded 14 “yes,” zero “no” and seven abstained votes.
CPLA asked for $1,763 to fund food and housing for 37 members. The group wants to use the retreat to discuss future plans and bonding activities between new and old members.
The group consists mainly of Chinese international students. It will hold the retreat during Thanksgiving weekend, because members will not return home like most domestic students.
Asian Culture Communication Association also received funding of $525 for a questionnaire tournament. The event, “Who’s Still Standing,” will be held at the Global Scholar Hall Great Room on Nov. 13 at 6 p.m.
Association of Fundraising Professional miscalculated its total requested amount. The updated amount was $2,750 instead of $2,215. This covers an off-campus workshop, pays membership fees for the Emerald Valley Development Professionals and national Association of Fundraising Professionals.
Senators and audience members were concerned about the use of abstentions during today’s meeting. Former senator Miles Sisk told senators that abstentions should only be used if a senator missed hearing a full request due to arriving late.
Members of the University Senate discuss tuition increases. (Cole Elsasser/Emerald) Photo credit: Cole Elsasser