We can debate issues forever. We can never really know who’s right or wrong until we live the consequences (like invading Iraq). But whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, or other, whether you’re for or against tax cuts, whether you’re for or against ending the war in Iraq by 2010, whether you’re for or against offshore oil drilling, whether you’re for or against free trade… here are some facts why you simply should NOT vote for McCain:
Since he won the Republican nomination, he said:
? The economy is not one of his strengths
? The country made great economic progress under George W. Bush
? He confused Shiite and Sunnis (right after his last visit to Iraq)
Just this month alone, he said:
? Iraq and Pakistan share borders (last week)
? The Iraq war is the first major conflict since 9/11 (also last week)
? He thinks Czechoslovakia still exists (mentioned 3 times)
It’s becoming hard to keep up with McCain’s pitfalls. He should avoid the media instead of complaining about Obama’s media coverage. If the economy and foreign policy are the most important issues for Americans, why should you vote for an ignorant and out-of-touch candidate to become your leader? This November, put an end to the eight years of embarrassment.
Last week, McCain criticized Obama for not supporting the surge in Iraq. That’s fine, except he said (twice): “Obama is willing to lose the war in order to win the elections.” That shows us how desperate and disrespectful McCain is. When McCain introduced the gas tax holiday in the spring (and now the offshore oil drilling), Obama (and all economy experts) called it a gimmick, but didn’t go as far as accusing him of treason and greed.
On the bright side, for the first time in U.S. history, thanks to Obama, over 1,000 Democratic Platform meetings were being held all over the country last week, where citizens (instead of political insiders) participated in drafting the Platform document that will shape the direction of the party and the country for the next four years. That’s what I call empowering the community and representing the people.
Mohamed Jemmali
UO Faculty
There are lots of reasons why you shouldn’t vote for McCain
Daily Emerald
July 27, 2008
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