Ubisoft has delivered its first big information drop for “Far Cry 5,” which will take place in Montana
“Far Cry” is a series known for taking players far afield from what most would consider the civilized world. From the plains of Africa, the islands of the Pacific ocean, the Himalayan mountains and even into the prehistoric past and cybernetic future, fans of the series have been on quite the globe-trotting journey. But now the series is taking a bit of a new direction by dropping players into a location that might be closer to home: the rolling hills of Hope County, Montana.
Earlier this week, Ubisoft revealed the cover art, announcement trailer and basic plot for the next installment of the open-world shooter series: “Far Cry 5.” This time around players will be combating a radical pseudo-Christian cult known as The Project at Eden’s Gate, as it terrorizes rural America.
Concept art for “Far Cry 5” depicting cultists advancing on a farmhouse. (Courtesy of Ubisoft)
Ubisoft claims that this new adversary will be “the biggest and most ruthless baddest enemy” in the “Far Cry” series so far — a bold claim considering previous installments have featured brutal warlords, deranged pirates and violent dictators.
Typical of each new installment in the “Far Cry” series, there will be a large expansion of the weapons and vehicles available for players to play around with. One of the most interesting will be the inclusion of planes, most of which seem to be propeller powered fighters straight out of World War II.
The game is currently set to launch Feb. 27, 2018, and will be on Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC. You can learn more on the game’s official website.
You can watch the trailer for “Far Cry 5” here. (Viewer discretion is advised.)
Blizzard has been teasing its newest map for “Overwatch,” the Horizon Lunar Colony
One of the big questions that have been on the minds of the “Overwatch” community are the mysterious circumstances surrounding one of the game’s most featured characters: the genetically engineered hyper-intelligent gorilla Winston.
Like most of “Overwatch’s” narrative, we’ve only been drip-fed small hints and clues as to what’s actually going on in this alternate timeline where cars can fly and gorillas can talk. Fortunately, we’ll be getting at least a few answers with the release of the game’s newest map: the Horizon Lunar Colony, which should be available sometime in the coming weeks.
This scientific research colony was Winston’s home before what appears to have been a “Planet of the Apes” style uprising against the science staff by the ape test subjects. Winston fled afterward to Earth where he joined Overwatch, but always knew he’d return home one day, or at least to what’s left of it.
The map is currently a Capture Point game mode where players fight for control of the different facilities. It will be available in both casual and competitive play upon full release.
The map is currently available for testing on the “Overwatch” public test realm.
Watch the trailer for the Horizon Lunar Colony map below or watch the developer diary here:
Concept art for “Far Cry 5” depicting cultists advancing on a farmhouse. (Courtesy of Ubisoft)