We write to urge University community members and Oregon legislators to support Senate Bill 742 regarding tuition equity. This bill would provide fair access to affordable tuition rates to immigrant students who have lived in Oregon, attended Oregon schools, graduated from an Oregon high school and been accepted to an Oregon University System institution, regardless of documentation status. It passed the Oregon Senate on March 29, and a public hearing in the House Rules Committee is scheduled for today, May 11. @@SB 742: http://gov.oregonlive.com/bill/2011/SB742/@@, @@Oregon Senate: http://www.oregonlive.com/education/index.ssf/2011/03/oregon_senate_passes_bill_to_l.html@@, @@House Rules Committeehttp://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2011/05/granting_in-state_tuition_send.html@@
Our public universities play a vital role in maintaining the economic and social well-being of our state. That is why the University joined the presidents of Portland State University and Oregon State University in publicly supporting tuition equity earlier this year when it was being considered by the Oregon Senate. Our institutions are steadfast in our continued support for tuition equity because it advances Oregon’s investment in K-12 education. It ensures more students have the access they need to pursue the affordable, quality education our institutions strive to provide to all qualified Oregon high school graduates. @@university presidents: http://www.oregonlive.com/education/index.ssf/2011/03/oregon_senate_passes_bill_to_l.html@@
Students who would benefit from this legislation are successful and high-achieving students who have inherited circumstances outside of their control. Just as we are working toward a brighter future for Oregon, students who would benefit from SB 742 are working to build on the investment the state has made in them. With affordable access to higher education, they will strengthen Oregon’s communities and contribute to the state’s economy.
Students that will be affected by tuition equity will be required to demonstrate their intent to be permanently domiciled in Oregon and are fully worthy of in-state tuition rates at our state’s public universities. The OUS has estimated that tuition equity will bring revenue into the system, not cost the state money. Passing SB 742 ensures that Oregon capitalizes on its investment in some of our state’s best and brightest students. We urge elected officials to support this critical legislation and ensure that Oregon realizes its commitment to supporting the success of future generations of students.
Richard W. Lariviere
President, University of Oregon
Ben Eckstein
President-elect, Associated Students of the University of Oregon
Letter: Tuition equity bill crucial for all Oregon students
Daily Emerald
May 9, 2011
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