This piece reflects the views of the author, Shawn Olfman, and not those of Emerald Media Group. It has been edited by the Emerald for grammar and style. Send your columns or submissions about our content or campus issues to [email protected].
Every type of discrimination weakens and divides society. Those who are unfairly excluded feel cheated and betrayed by the society that wrongly excluded them. They feel cheated and betrayed because they were cheated and betrayed.
They may be afraid to speak out, but that fear does not change what they know happened to them and how they feel about it. Each year, thousands of students, who worked harder to earn higher grades and obtain higher scores on relevant pre-entry tests like the MCAT and LSAT, are being denied admission into certain faculties, in violation of their constitutional rights.
Students of certain religions, color, ethnic backgrounds and socio-economic backgrounds, and students who express their own valid social opinions and scientific opinions, are being discriminated against.
The United Nations “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” which The United States and Canada helped to write, clearly states that academic merit must be the deciding factor in determining which students are admitted into faculties that have limited enrollment. However, the same North American universities that tell other countries to follow the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” are themselves breaching it by not using academic merit to determine admission.
The Constitutions of The United States and of Canada give students the right to an equal opportunity for admission into any faculty of a publicly funded university, based on objective, equal, fair and relevant criteria. Many North American publicly funded universities are violating the Constitution by using an essay, interviews or similar means to deny admission to students.
To know why using an essay, interviews or similar means to deny admission to students is a clear violation of the Constitution you have to know the relevant portions of the Constitution. There is not enough room in a “Letter to The Editor” to provide that information. The website provides all of the information and supporting documents. The “Olfman Freedom Quiz” on the site allows you to test your constitutional knowledge regarding equal rights to admission.
Have you ever wondered why a university would subordinate the grades a student received from that very same university, over a three or four year period, and place more admissions emphasis on an essay or a few interviews? Have you ever wondered why there is no way to find out if the essay score or the interview scores were relevant, or were determined in an objective, fair, honest, non-discriminatory and constitutional way?
The answer to both questions, is that the essay and interview scores allow that university to hide its discrimination behind an unverifiable score. Why the score cannot be verified is explained on The only reason to set up a system that cannot be checked for fairness, honesty, objectivity, relevance or constitutionality is to allow for discrimination.
The facts and documents on let you see for yourself why essays, interviews and similar systems are a violation of the Constitution and are resulting in thousands of students being discriminated against each year.
Guest viewpoint: There is no such thing as harmless discrimination
April 26, 2016
This piece reflects the views of the author, Gregory R. Pulliam, and not those of Emerald Media Group. It has been edited by the Emerald for grammar and style. Send your columns or submissions about our content or campus issues to [email protected]. President’s Society member resigning from UO advisory boards …
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