Students support
new Eugene library
Eugene area students came to the site of Eugene’s growing new library on April 30 to celebrate reading in a public setting. University athletes Rasuli Webster and Kourtney Shreve joined kids from Jefferson and Spencer Butte middle schools, Adams, Family School, Magnet Arts, and Santa Clara elementary schools, SMART tutors and community members in reading throughout the day.
Eugene’s new library will serve everyone, and it was exciting to see students of all ages ready to come downtown and watch the building under construction. When the doors open in the winter of 2002-03, everyone will be able to use the services in an exciting new space.
Thanks to all of the young people who came to the Lane Transit District plaza on April 30 to show support for the library.
Barbara Dellenback
executive director
Eugene Public Library Foundation
Stein stands behind students
I was amused by your recent interview with Ted Kulongoski. I even laughed out loud when I read the question, “How are you campaigning to increase student turnout?” The answer is nothing. Only one candidate is making any kind of effort to get out the vote in the student population, and that candidate is Bev Stein.
When I attended the Democratic debate at the University, Kulongoski had sent a representative in his stead. I would have been utterly dumbfounded at this, had it not been for Kulongoski’s history of absence from campus events.
Bev Stein is the only candidate who has a plan to improve the public education system. The other candidates, while at the same time claiming that education is a top priority, are not even mentioning higher education.
Kulongoski also fielded a question in your interview about how he would make himself accessible to students if he wins the election. He said he would come down to campuses and meet students — a slightly misleading answer. I can count on one hand the number of times he has visited the University. Stein has been here more than a dozen times.
I don’t believe Kulongoski to be a bad person — far from it, in fact. However, when he tells us that he is the candidate who has our interests at heart, I don’t believe that to be true. On the Democratic ticket, Bev Stein is the candidate that shines when it comes to education.
Britt McEachern
Lane Community College