Take action to protect
students in financial need
The $720 million shortfall in the Oregon state budget has put students, and especially student parents, in a possibly devastating situation. Due to the state shortfall, the Student Childcare Block Grant and Oregon Opportunity Grant are facing possible cuts and elimination. A proposed $2 million cut would eliminate the SCBG and harm the 433 parents who receive it, while 1,500 to 3,000 students will also lose their OOG grants.
These state-funded grants allow students across the state to attend college. Education has to be a focus for our state legislature. Students and Oregonians need to force the state legislature to recognize the importance of fully funding these programs.
ASUO is heading up a letter-writing and postcard campaign to send to our local and state representatives. People can stop by the ASUO office to make a phone call, sign a postcard or volunteer to go to Salem and lobby to our representatives.
Megan Hughes