Spring break is over and the final term of the school year is here. The new season is a great time to check in with yourself and enjoy the beautiful weather. Whether you want to take stock of your winter clothes, cook new foods or just enjoy the sun, here are some ways to kick off spring term with a bang.
Go outside!
With flowers blooming and the sun out more than it was last term, this should be a no-brainer. Go for a walk; take a look at the trees around campus. Study in the EMU amphitheater. Soak up all the Vitamin D you can get. Make up for all the sun you missed during winter term by spending every moment you can outside. For those who face seasonal depression, this is especially important.
Deep clean your apartment
Spring is also a great time for taking stock of your belongings and organizing the physical parts of your life. Spend a day or two cleaning your apartment or dorm. Wash dishes that have been piling up and clean out your fridge. Turn on some music, open your windows and clean surfaces that have accumulated paper and trash. Toss needless papers into the recycling, then take that trash and recycling out. You can even take this time to reorganize your bookshelf or music collection. Is there a house project you have been wanting to do? Do it now before you forget or run out of free time.
Sell, donate or refurbish old winter clothes
This goes along with spring cleaning, but if you are the type of person who buys new clothes every season (lucky you!), clear out your old wardrobe. Take stock of what you wear and donate last year’s trends. Take the gently-used clothes you don’t wear and sell them at Buffalo Exchange or other consignment shops in Eugene. Not only does this help you gain some cash, but it also creates room in your closet for spring attire. If you don’t want to part with old clothing, look up ways to refurbish them. You could make a quilt out of old t-shirts or liven up a drab jean jacket by adding some buttons.
Celebrate spring holidays
Many religions have practices and holidays regarding symbols of renewal. Spring is a great time to reconnect with religion or spirituality in general. It’s also a great time to seek out and learn about other traditions. Both Easter and the Jewish holiday of Passover are this month. Hillel and other Jewish groups such as Akiva and Chabad have Passover celebrations or seders (in Hebrew) for free or at a low cost. The first night of Passover is April 10. Easter is April 16. There are churches of many denominations around campus. Eat some food and gain some spiritual understanding this season.
Float the Willamette
Rent some inner tubes from the Outdoor Program Barn, grab some friends and enjoy a float down the Willamette. Pass underneath the Autzen footbridge and enjoy the sunny weather. It’s like an actual lazy river, but not at a water park. The Willamette is walking distance from campus, so why not enjoy it?
Avoid pollen and allergens
The Willamette Valley is known for its horrible pollen in the spring, so if you are suffering from allergies, don’t shy away from spending a day away from the flowers. Cook a big meal, invite some friends over and enjoy spring foods. Take some time to read a book under a sunny window. Even though you are indoors, there are still tons of way to celebrate the clear weather.
Follow Sararosa on Twitter: @srosiedosie