Five University students filed a report this month of a man making obscene gestures toward women near campus.
On Feb. 8, the five women, who are members of the same sorority, reported a middle-aged man outside the Knight Library “performing inappropriate acts,” said Greek Life Program Assistant Lisa Hughes in an e-mail. Students said the man also tried asking for personal information such as names and class details.
Department of Public Safety spokeswoman Wendy Rouse said the women reported the man at around noon, saying only he was “making them feel uncomfortable.” DPS received no further calls or details.
Reports of a 25-year-old white male grabbing women on Oct. 24 and Nov. 11 last year are probably not connected with this incident, she said.
Students who see suspicious behavior should report it to DPS at 346-6666. Emergency phones that connect directly to DPS are available on campus.
Students who feel endangered can also call DPS and ask for escort service at 346-5444. The ASUO offers an Assault Prevention Shuttle from 6 p.m. to midnight every night, which students can contact at 346-RIDE.
Hughes also urged students to “remember that there is safety in numbers.”
Middle-aged man reported to have harassed students
Daily Emerald
February 19, 2008
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