Mr. Graf,
After reading your deprecating comments about the great city of Eugene, I am left with some concerns. Besides the obvious reaction, as you noted, of suggesting that you leave, I would like to ask you a few questions. What is it that you had hoped to gain or contribute by recycling these tired, old, and largely unwarranted stereotypes?
As for your so-called “trustafarians” I ask you if you deem it necessary to be poor to realize the plight of the poverty stricken? Is it necessary to be a salmon to be concerned with the pollution of rivers and oceans? Regarding the weather, have you considered that perhaps you have Seasonal Affective Disorder? This could account for your feelings of ennui and malaise, although judging from the rest of your column it seems you are nothing more than just a whiner.
Your description of filthy hippies was particularly stunning. It saddens me that you have failed to understand what a true hippie is. Hippie culture is not about Birkenstocks, dreads, and patchouli. It is about peace, positivity, understanding, and acceptance, something you would do well to consider. I found your article mean spirited, condescending, bigoted, and even homophobic.
You refer to the homeless as “a terrible nuisance … riddling our railroad tracks with their unsightly corpses”. Your compassion is remarkable. These are people you are talking about. This kind of hateful propaganda has no place on our campus, or in our town. If you are unhappy with the current social environment, why not do something to effect positive change instead of making fun of those who would see Eugene for its potential?
Clearly you have missed the point of the Eugene Celebration, unless it was simply lost on you. It is meant to be a tongue in cheek celebration of Eugene’s counter culture. Perhaps you aren’t perceptive enough to deduce that the Slug Queen is satirical, and not intended to be taken seriously. As I am sure you have already received a flurry of e-mails from our fantastic gay community, I leave you with this thought. Those who accuse others of being gay are often attempting to disguise their own latent homosexuality. The true downside of Eugene, and any town for that matter, is that there are people like you who feel the need to belittle others with attempts at wit.
Claire Hambly is a resident of Eugene
Poor attempt at wit mischaracterizes Eugeneans
Daily Emerald
October 22, 2006
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