Worn Wear, Patagonia’s traveling outdoor gear repair company, will be on campus Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. alongside the University of Oregon’s own eco-conscious groups such as UO Zero Waste and the UO Outdoor Program.
The group is offering free gear repairs to students all around the country in an effort to reduce waste. UO is Worn Wear’s 17th stop on their 21-campus tour. The event was brought to campus by the UO Net Impact undergraduate and graduate chapters.
Alongside Worn Wear, other student and outside groups are joining the cause by giving out succulents, repurposed T-shirts and a multitude of other prizes.
Faye Christoforo, director of campus coordination for the Post Landfill Action Network (PLAN), sees a bigger goal for Worn Wear and campus sustainability fairs.
“The goal wasn’t to drop in, do an event and leave,” Christoforo said as students stopped by her booth for pamphlets and stickers emblazoned with the message “Students for Zero Waste.”
“The goal was to find campuses that have an active student population, and have and ethos for repair and zero waste.”
After Worn Wear packs up this evening, there will be informational events in Lillis beginning at 5:30 p.m. The events will feature panelists and speakers such as health coaches, sustainability managers and Patagonia’s VP of Environmental Initiatives Rick Ridgeway.
Sustainability fair offers freebies for students
Natalie Waitt-Gibson
April 17, 2017
The Student Sustainability Center is holding a fair to get more University of Oregon students involved in the community’s “earth-loving” sustainability scene. The Student Sustainability Fair will be located in the Crater Lake North and South rooms of the ERB Memorial Union on Jan. 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 …
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