Let’s play a visualization game. Picture that a few years back, the Clinton people were letting a male prostitute into the White House. Let’s imagine that this hooker was attending high level meetings and giving him access to classified material. Let’s also say that this man was a fake journalist and served as a propagandist shill with the White House press core. If Clinton were implicated in such a scandal, he would have been hounded by press coverage and crucified by Republican mobs. But this is the exact situation that was just discovered within the Bush White House.
The U.S. media gives the Bush
administration a pass on everything. It shouldn’t surprise us that the corporate military/industrial owned “mainstream” media, which
receives deregulation and other quid pro quo deals from Bush, as well as profiting greatly from his empire wars, behaves the way it does, but
it is a shame to see the once noble Forth Estate turned into a
Gerry Rempel
Inbox: U.S. media coddles Bush administration
Daily Emerald
March 28, 2005
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