A time and a place for adolescent attitudes
I suppose it takes a bit of distance, and perhaps an actual job to give one perspective. At least that has been my experience having moved away from Eugene and the University, struggled in the traces of real life, experienced victories and setbacks, and simply enjoyed life away from the monotonous and tiring turmoil of University existence. Do not misunderstand me, there is a time and a place for University endeavors and the maturity that comes with intellectual development, diversity in thought and idea, and the unmitigated exchange of ideas and theories that is requisite to the University and its surroundings. As Solomon so wisely opined, however, there is a time and a place for everything under the sun, and reading Pete Limbaugh’s letter to the editor reminded me of the end to the pre-pubescence that at times embodies those who attend the University and think of themselves far more than reality ought to permit.
Mr. Limbaugh, do you need to be taught as a Middle School student who can’t see past the snot at the end of his or her nose the reasons that Mr. Warren and the membership of the College Republicans might be offended and insulted by the insinuations made by the comic depicting them as fall-down drunks? It is the quintessential stereotype that because all Nazis are white, therefore all white people must be Nazis. Are there lush drunks in the rank of the College Republicans of the world? Certainly. To deny this would be tantamount to lunacy. But I believe you will find that among the rank and file membership of the College Republicans are working class, decent, articulate, even-handed young men and women who want nothing more than to develop their intellectual potential and prepare themselves for the world that most certainly exists beyond the sheltered walls of the University of Oregon. To insinuate that they are drunken imbeciles who want nothing more than to trod upon the rights and wishes of the average person is, in my view, equal to a person arguing that all Democrats, whatever their reasons and experiences, are no better than doped-out hippies who want nothing more than to suck the life out of a welfare check and socialistic medicine. Life teaches us that such a stereotype, as seductive and potentially true as it might seem in the patchouli-oil stenched halls of PLC, possesses no weight in the walks of reality and life, and therefore are to be dismissed by the reasoned mind. If anything, you should be dismissing it just as readily, if for no other reason than to protect yourself from the very real likelihood that placing you in the world of Kansas or Nebraska, the average American would view you with an equally dim light as you seem so ready to view Warren and the College Republicans.
Scott D. Austin
Limbaugh and DuChateau fail to consider both sides
I do not see Mr. Limbaugh’s purpose in his retaliation to College Republicans Chairman Anthony Warren (“Republican Party in need of new representative,” ODE Oct. 21). Limbaugh brought up points that had nothing to do with Mr. Warren’s previous letter regarding a politically charged cartoon. Mr. Limbaugh writes, “… where is Warren’s respect for the Yin and Yang of American politics?”
Are you kidding? Where was illustrator Aaron DuChateau’s respect for the other side when he created a cartoon demeaning to the College Republicans? Also, if DuChateau indeed created that cartoon for his target demographic, he really needs to check up on who that includes. The target demographic includes all students, faculty and staff at the University. Certainly, that includes Republicans, not just liberals. Since when is it cool to entertain by making fun of and misrepresenting other people?
Janiece Stanaland
Daily Emerald
October 24, 2005
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