Woman flees hospital,
streaks through neighborhood
A woman was spotted roaming the West University neighborhood wearing nothing but a hospital gown Wednesday morning, according to police.
Police said the woman fled Sacred Heart Medical Center, where she was receiving treatment, at about 10 a.m. and set off walking through the area.
“She decided she didn’t want any treatment, left and was running around,” said Tom Hicks, associate director of the Department of Public Safety.
Eugene Police Department Spokeswoman Mandy Fox said the woman “scared the hell out of a lot of people.”
Though officers were unable to locate the wandering woman, hospital officials told police that the woman had returned for medical attention, Fox said.
Police did not know what treatment the woman was receiving.
— Darren Freeman
Campus, community groups
sponsor Middle East discussion
Atrocities Uncovered: Israel and Palestine, a forum about the Israeli and Palestinian viewpoints on human rights violations, will be held at 6 p.m. today in 177 Lawrence Hall. Admission is free.
The session about ways to reach peace in the Middle East is being sponsored by the Muslim Student Association and co-sponsored by the ASUO Women’s Center and the Eugene Middle East Peace Group.
The evening begins with a Middle Eastern refreshment reception at 6 p.m. A slide show follows at 6:30 p.m., and the discussion wraps up with speakers at 6:45 p.m.
Scheduled speakers are: Karen Kennedy of Amnesty International; Thomas Nelson of the International Solidarity Movement; anthropology professor Diane Baxter and geography professor Shaul Cohen.
For more information, contact the Muslim Student Association at 346-3798.
— Robin Weber
Community organizations flock to internship fair
The Community Internship Program will host an outdoor internship fair from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. today in the EMU Amphitheater.
The CIP functions as a campus resource for students searching for internships and other volunteer opportunities that provide credit and a chance to make a difference in the community.
“You can donate time anywhere you want,” CIP outdoor school division head Adam Peterson said. “We offer all kinds of opportunities to places you wouldn’t expect.”
Peterson, a freshman, is responsible for locating and assigning camps at which to volunteer as well as organizing outdoor schools and programs at each location. He said this year’s fair will be the “best one yet” because of the diverse group of organizations that will be participating.
“Our goal is to raise student awareness of all the opportunities out there,” Peterson said. “The coolest thing about this year’s fair is we’re bringing interns from different schools and University students together, all in one place.”
Service organizations participating in the fair include American Red Cross, Kidsports, Food for Lane County, Relief Nursery and the YMCA. Each organization will provide information about their services as well as volunteer opportunities for students to get involved. Information about human service organizations, mentorship organizations and leadership opportunities will be available.
— Caron Alarab
Emerald hosts forum
to discuss diversity issues
The Emerald will host an open forum at 6:30 p.m. today in the EMU Ben Linder Room for students to discuss the paper’s coverage of ethnic student unions and diversity issues.
Students are encouraged to come with concrete ideas and constructive comments about what the Emerald is doing right, what needs to be improved and what stories should be covered in the future.
The event will be videotaped and used to make a training video for future Emerald staff members.
For more information, call the Emerald at 346-5511 and ask for Jessica Blanchard or Serena Markstrom.
— Kara Cogswell