In regards to the sports column, “Drunk Ducks,” (ODE, Oct. 24), we find it pathetic that a student at the University, a “liberal” college, is so close-minded. It’s sad that a personal complaint made it into our student newspaper. As a journalist, she should have considered both sides of the story before forming such a strong opinion. It was juvenile and completely unprofessional.
For example, the people surrounding her who were “overly friendly” could easily have been 21, therefore giving them every right to drink. For all she knows, they could have bought their drinks at the Moshofsky Center.
As for the supportive pat on the back when she hung her head, all we have to say is, get over it. We Ducks are a community. When we score a touchdown, we give “high-fives” to anyone, friend or stranger, around us. If something goes wrong, we support each other.
With regard to children attending football games, we’ve been attending them since the age of five, and don’t have any memories of alcohol. If the parents had a problem with the alcohol, obviously they wouldn’t bring their children to the games. We find it hard to believe that a child is able to “differentiate the smell of beer from vodka by their 10th birthday” from going to a few football games a year.
This is yet another unprofessional assumption from an unresearched article. As for the smell factor, what about people with body odor? Or strong perfume? Deal with it, everyone else does. If you had a problem, you should have taken it up with the people around you, instead of making a public complaint about it.
Football and beer go together — it’s an American tradition. If you don’t like it, watch the game at home.
Marisa Haworth and Kristin Mellum are undeclared sophomores.