Bramwell lacking logic
I was disappointed after reading Richard Bramwell’s letter to the editor (“Same God, different logic,” ODE, 1/9). It should have been titled “Richard Bramwell’s faulty logic.” His first error is to equate religious devoutness with a rejection of reason. It should go without saying that some of the greatest minds of all time were extremely devout men and women of faith. Many of the pioneers of science were devout — and were motivated to study nature by a deep-seated belief that this world is filled with both meaning and order by a higher power. Sure, some religious people reject logic, but I’ve met atheists who have seemed to reject logic, too.
Secondly, Bramwell’s letter makes it sound as if the rejection of religion is a giant step in eliminating violence, but this is hardly the case. Look at Cambodia under Pol Pot, China under Mao Tse-Tung, or the USSR under Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin, and it is obvious that those leaders who have ignored or rejected religion can do as much or more damage than religious folk.
Third, Bramwell asserts that Christians, Jews and Muslims all worship the same god. As a Christian, I worship the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, not Allah. And I’m fairly sure my Muslim friends have never worshipped the Holy Trinity. Important differences
exist between Christianity and
Islam, and if Bramwell feels that either faith should be condemned for their “contradictions,” he should do his homework.
Brian Stubbs
graduate student
Advocating for more parties
The current ASUO executives are being fiscally irresponsible and prejudiced by hiring a “Greek Advocate.” This paid position will only serve students who pay to be in the exclusive greek system.
The position will serve only to pad a fraternity or sorority member’s resume. It is a travesty. When I spoke to Joy Nair about this, she said the position was created because there was a greater need for sorority girls’ safety. What about other women’s safety? The ASUO has a “Safety Advocate,” so why is there a need for a paid Greek
Advocate? If being a sorority girl is so “unsafe,” wouldn’t it make sense to not be in a sorority?
Isn’t Greek Life one giant Greek Advocate located next door to the ASUO? What more could they possibly need?
People choose to be in the greek system; they are not a protected class, nor should they ever be treated as such. Do they need advocating for more parties? There is no need for this useless position. Where is the marching band advocate? Did the marching band not donate enough to the Brooklyn and Nair campaign or not hang enough banners?
While the current executives complained about energy fees, they have created a paid position that will cost the students even more. They are causing distrust in their ability to make
fiscally responsible and rational decisions with student money. Even worse, they are supporting an exclusive membership whose roots lie in discrimination and prejudice and are paying for it with student money.
Autumn DePoe