We have always had an open door policy for all students and always will. We always welcome constructive criticism about the ASUO. Since we were not afforded the opportunity to speak to Caroline Beranek directly, we will now respond to her letter to the editor ( “Take Back Campus was a thinly veiled campaign strategy for ASUO candidates,” ODE, March 12) here in the open and honest fashion that has defined our administration.
We are bemused about the timing and evidence cited in the grievance. The minutes Ms. Beranek references have not been made available by the Senate to the public and have not been posted on their Web site yet. Also, several of these accusations have already been resolved. We find it strange Ms. Beranek would quote unavailable Senate minutes and issues that took place when she was still in high school.
The Take Back Campus forum was not a campaign event, period. Ms. Beranek’s intuition about the event being a campaign tool is incorrect. This forum brought student leaders from all around campus to discuss the issues that they are working on. Most of these students are not running for office. We have remained neutral in the upcoming election and will continue to do so.
The information collected from Take Back Campus has been locked in President Emily McLain’s desk since the event. The contact information recorded at this event will only be used for invitations to future events regarding the issues students voluntarily stated they were interested in. We take privacy and personal information very seriously at the ASUO. If we discover someone took this information, serious action will be taken against the perpetrator.
Until the day we leave office on May 25, we will continue to uphold our open door policy. Now, if no one objects, we are going to get back to work. We are going to be back to work on ethnic studies departmentalization. We are getting back to work to ensure student voices are heard about public safety and Tasers on campus. We are getting back to work to make sure students are empowered, able to voice their opinions, and be part of the decision making process of this University. We are getting back to working for you.
Emily McLain
ASUO President
Chii-San SunOwen
ASUO Vice-President
Open door policy evidence of ASUO executive’s transparency
Daily Emerald
March 12, 2008
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