An Oregon Action Team campaign pledge to increase late night Lane Transit District bus service may have to be offered to a private charter company under federal regulations, or could result in an increase in the amount the ASUO pays LTD.
Executive candidates Sam Dotters-Katz and Johnny Delashaw have talked about increasing LTD bus service to areas where large numbers of students reside. They also want buses to run later each night.
Because of current economic conditions, LTD is anticipating a cut in current services between 4 and 5 percent in 2009, spokesman Andy Vobora told the Emerald.
The district relies on income taxes to fund most of its services. A recession in the local economy would leave the district with less tax revenue.
The University would not likely see any cuts in service because of high ridership near campus, Vobora said. He said the district is willing to discuss increasing service if there is a demand for it.
“We can add service, but it’s usually at an additional cost,” Vobora said.
Michelle Haley, Oregon Action Team campaign manager, said the campaign has tried to have discussions with LTD, but “because we’re not yet in office they’ve been very resistant.”
The 2008-09 contract between the ASUO and LTD won’t be drawn up until the next president is in office. However, the current Programs Finance Committee approved budget for next year’s service is more than $815,000.
The budget voted on by the PFC earlier this year was intended to close a gap between what the ASUO pays and the amount paid by other institutions that receive group rates.
Another complication is Federal Transit Administration regulations that could require that late night service be offered to private transportation providers.
Vobora said that private charter companies have argued that they would never win a contract over public transit because private companies have higher costs, given their lack of federal subsidies and need to turn a profit. So the government can require that private companies are asked before a service like LTD can step in.
“The rules have been there for a long time,” Vobora said.
Brad Hughbanks, Oregon sales manager for MTR Western, a private charter, said his company would need more information regarding destinations and times such a service would need before he could provide a cost assessment.
“We’d be more than interested to look into something like that,” Hughbanks said.
Haley said Dotters-Katz and Delashaw are open to using ASUO overrealized funds to purchase a new van for the Designated Driver Shuttle that would transport students from bars near campus to residence halls and Duck’s Village.
“No matter how we do it, whether it’s with a charter bus company or with LTD, I think it’s still feasible,” Haley said. “And with LTD facing cuts, I think that’s another reason our contract is important to them.”
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LTD may put the brakes on late buses
Daily Emerald
April 9, 2008
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