As if the world and the citizens of the United States needed further proof that our nation is sliding down the slippery slope to socialism, President, or should I say Comrade, Barack Obama recently signed a nuclear arms pact with Russia. Yes, you heard me right. Russia.
No, Russia is not a communist state anymore, but I think we still like to view it as such. No, the Russians may not have a strong military. Yes, many of their nuclear weapons probably don’t even work. Yes, they may have some of the worst living standards of the industrialized world. But it’s much easier to view them as a strong enemy under the red and yellow hammer and sickle than an impoverished democracy with the same colors as our own flag. Dmitry Medvedev, their president, is kind of a flop, but Prime Minister Vladimir Putin still has some of that certain “death-to-America-iron-curtain-totalitarian-five-year-plan” bravado to him. Plus, his very name just sounds like a bad guy from a James Bond movie. Vladimir.
And Obama is cavorting with this evil!
The nuclear arms treaty, signed by Russia and the United States last Thursday, sets limits on the amount of nuclear warheads and launchers each nation can posses. The new treaty has decreased the number of nukes allowed from just 2,200 stipulated in the travesty that was the 2002 Moscow treaty to the measly 1,550 called for in this newest affront to American pride and power. This is a significant reduction in the number of times we could destroy the world over in case we are attacked, and what better retaliation is there than Armageddon?
Furthermore, it makes us look weak when we are trying to negotiate with terrorists and the “Axis of Evil.” If we want them to stop building nuclear weapons, what better way than to point a couple hundred intercontinental ballistic missiles at them? We should be flaunting our missiles of freedom in their face and acting as a watchful parent who says, “I can have this, but you cannot.” But no, Obama wants to reduce our most powerful weapon and leave us open to nuclear annihilation. Here’s an idea, Barack, why don’t you just hand over our nuclear arsenal to Iran and North Korea and save them the trouble of having to make their own?
The evidence is clear: “Obama Care,” massive governmental takeovers in the economy, and now what is really just a façade for communist brotherhood, a pact of socialism between Obama and Putin under the guise of a nuclear treaty. Soon, I am sure, Red China will be brought into the fold, followed close behind by North Korea. Can’t you just see all of them together? Obama and Kim Jong-il high-fiving? Putin and Hu Jintao playing pin the tail on the capitalist?
Obama vaguely laid out his plans for a global red revolution, claiming the “treaty” was “just one step on a longer journey.” Or would you maybe call it a “march,” Obama? Maybe even a “long march”? The man can’t even keep the socialist dialogue from dripping off his words. It makes me sick.
But there is hope, America. Because we, the people, still have a voice. We are what make this country great. And as long as we continue to understand that whenever a president or senator or even your neighbor shows you up, does something better than you, or simply acts in a way you dislike, you can call them names that have little real bearing in the modern world. Beautiful names like “Fascist” and “Communist” that evoke powerfully negative historical connotations but have little truth in reality. That is the greatest hope in America: the twisting of the First Amendment, allowing us to say whatever comes to mind without having any real fear of repercussion.
And so, that is my call to the people of this great country. Do not let the tree-huggers, who will claim this treaty will create a safer world, influence your mind. Do not let liberal commentators distort the truth by claiming this will help to limit nuclear proliferation. Do not allow Obama to steal our freedom to bear nuclear arms. Use your voice. Tell Obama that he can pry our nukes from our cold, dead, nuclear-winter fingers. Or perhaps we could just ship him off to Russia where Sarah Palin could keep a close watch on him from her house. Or better yet, if we get enough people together, like at a Tea Party rally, who all say in unison, “Obama is a Communist” then it will have to be true. Like how thinking good thoughts allowed Peter Pan to fly. Only here thinking bad thoughts allows us to feel comfortable in the notion that we are not out of our freedom-thinking minds, and there are those around us who feel exactly the same. In the end, it doesn’t matter. As long as you use your voice, we can save our way of life.
I’m just — I’m just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country. And I think you do, too. It’s just — sniff — I’m sorry, heh, I just love my country, and I fear for it. Sniff. In more ways than one.
[email protected]
Obama panders to dirty commies
Daily Emerald
April 13, 2010
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