Voters still have four days to return ballots for the May 21 mail-in primary, but election officials say the lack of interest so far may defeat several city ballot measures.
“It’s going to be a hard job for those who want a 50 percent turnout,” said Lane County Elections official Annette Newingham.
The success of the city measures, which aim to appropriate money for a new fire station, will help fund the city’s library and raise money for the 4J school district, all dependent on whether 50 percent of registered voters participate. Oregon’s double-majority law requires ballot measures concerning taxpayer funding to be approved by more than half of all registered voters.
Lane County Elections figures, as of Thursday night, indicated only 17.5 percent of Eugene’s 78,533 voters have returned their ballots thus far. More than 17.8 percent of Lane County’s 181,189 registered voters have returned their ballot.
Today marks the last day voters can mail in their ballots and ensure the elections office receives them in time for the May 21 deadline. After today, students should drop off their ballots at the EMU first-floor location near the ASUO controller’s window.
— Brook Reinhard