Prayer meeting (sponsored by the Navigators), 9:30-10:30 a.m., EMU
Century Room C, free.
Faculty lecture (PPPM Professor Renee Irvin and Amanda Wojick, art department), 4 p.m., 206 Lawrence, free,
“Cuban Diaspora and Exile in the United States” (Lecture by Roman de la Campa from SUNY at Stonybrook), 4-6 p.m., EMU International Student Lounge, free, 346-4052.
“Open Mic with Lynn Breedlove of Tribe 8” (Lesbopalooza Opening Night), 7 p.m., Knight Library Browsing Room, free.
Kayaker Kevin Schrier (talk and slideshow), 7:30 p.m., EMU Room 37, free, 346-4365.
St. Petersburg String Quartet with Paul Galbraith on classical guitar (Chamber Music Series), 8 p.m., Beall Hall, $27, $22, $12, 682-5000 or 346-4363.
Campus Buzz (Thursday 6 Mar 2003)
Daily Emerald
March 4, 2003
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