Oregon Daily Emerald: OK, can you give me your name, your major, where you’re from and what seat you’re heading for?
Schulthies: My name is Laura Schulthies and my major is journalism.
Emerald: OK.
Schulthies: And I am running for Athletic Department finance senator, seat 7.
Emerald: Seat 7. And what year are you?
Schulthies: I’m a junior.
Emerald: And where are you from originally?
Schulthies: Well, I’ve moved a lot.
Emerald: OK.
Schulthies: I was born in California, but I went to high school in Beaverton, Ore.
Emerald: OK.
Schulthies: And now my parents live in Salem. We’ve kind of been everywhere.
Emerald: We’ll say Beaverton. Does that work?
Schulthies: Yeah, that’s fine.
Emerald: All right. So basically I have six questions and I just kind of — we’re giving everyone the same questions.
Schulthies: OK.
Emerald: First question. How would you figure out how to spend the surplus?
Schulthies: Well, I want to work with the girl who is currently holding the office. And I’m going to try and attend some of their current meetings to see where they’re going, because I know that they have already established a plan and a source to where they want to work in the same direction and deal with the same people and just continue their goals.
Emerald: Right.
Schulthies: So I want to be able to go in, take over what they’re doing and just do the best that I can and try to make it, you know, make the funds go as far as they can and be as effective as they can be.
Emerald: So you kind of just want to follow in the footsteps of what they’ve done?
Schulthies: Exactly, and of course I want to splash it up with my own personality and goals, but I definitely want to stick with something that’s working.
Emerald: How do you plan on interacting with student groups?
Schulthies: Well, I know a lot of people in greek life and also in other different groups around the University and so I would just really pick up my involvement with them and maybe try and contact them on a monthly basis, see how they feel about what’s going on and if they’re informed on it. Just try to keep everybody up to date on what’s going on, so they appreciate it more and understand it better.
Emerald: What are the most important issues facing the students you represent?
Schulthies: Well, athletes have a lot of issues in my opinion. They are always in all of our sports that are presented by the University and also the club sports. They’re always pushing for more funds and stretching their budgets as much as they can just because we are limited to the funds that we’re allotted. And so really, I would just try to find out what their biggest needs are and what their biggest concerns are, and meet those to the best of my ability.
Emerald: What do you think that those needs are for them?
Schulthies: I think really just having a group of people — students, faculty, coaches — that just really understand what their main concerns are, you know. I think it’s different every single season every year, so it’s one of those things I think you really have to be in contact with the students, the athletes, the coaches. Just be on top of your game and know exactly what they’re going through and how to help them.
Emerald: OK. What is the most important thing you should know in order to deal with the budget process?
Schulthies: I think the most important thing you should know — how to work with other people. Because this is not just something you can, I can do by myself or anyone can do by themselves. You have to be able to work together and take advice from people that know how to do it, you know they’ve done it before, and also from the faculty that are working with us.
Emerald: What is the senate’s quorum requirement to elect officers?
Schulthies: The senates quorum requirement to elect officers?
Emerald: How many senators must be present to elect someone?
Schulthies: I don’t know.
Emerald: OK. It’s actually — I don’t really know either. It’s actually 14 senators to make a quorum to elect someone and that’s in the ASUO green file book, which is part of your rules or order. Anyway, random question. What’s the most important part of section 5 of the student senate rules and why?
Schulthies: Section 5. I know this, I read it yesterday. I think section 5 is — I think that’s the section about what’s it called, like the rules of working with, oh what is it? I can’t remember the exact title, but I think it’s the one that is about being fair and working with other people. And making sure that you are doing your duty in the correct form and fair, but I could be wrong.
Emerald: You’re not.
Schulthies: Oh good.
Emerald: It’s a description of your duties, which is what you just said.
Schulthies: Good.
Laura Schulthies’ Interview
Daily Emerald
April 3, 2003
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