Over the weekend, I became suddenly aware that I have been overworked to my core this term. With work, classes, extracurricular activities and weekend shenanigans I think I’ve run myself into the ground.
So I made a plan to not let this madness happen next term. I will not become sick more than three times simply due to exhaustion. I will not have total female breakdowns and call my dad sobbing because I feel like a tired infant.@@awkward. If I was your Dad, I’d hang up on you@@ Lastly, I will not spend my days worrying.
I’ve have come up with a few ideas you can start doing now that will help your spring term be a little more spring-y.
First, plan an easy schedule. If you didn’t catch the Emerald’s top 10 spring classes to avoid, you should. It’s completely true! If there are classes that are a bit challenging and will be time-sucks, don’t take them this term. Take them next fall when you know you’ll have more motivation.
I mean, I shouldn’t generalize the college population but I always feel that after summer break I’m ready to kick ass and take names in the academic world. If you don’t absolutely have to take it now, practice your procrastination skills and take it next year.
Next, get on top of finding housing (if you’re returning) sooner rather than later. You don’t want to get to week eight of spring term and be like, “Oh crap, I need to find a box they call an apartment to live in next year.” Be on your “A game” and get ahead of the curve.
This will benefit not only your brain but also probably your parents. I mention your parents mainly because you don’t want to call them all amped up on Starbucks at 11:30 p.m. on a Tuesday and be all, “Hey Mom, I need you to fax me the cosigner’s agreement form, then I need you to call the company and have them fax you the paper that I forgot to have you sign and then…”
See where I’m going? You’ll be speaking at 200 words per minute because you almost forgot to hand in the last part of your housing application and your parents will assume you’re now on some sort of hard drugs.
Last thing to do to make your spring term a little bit brighter: let your hair down. When I say that, I mean, basically, have a good time. I see so many seniors during their last term of college walk around with bloodshot eyes and bad acne because they’re so damn stressed out. Live it up seniors, because college only happens once, maybe twice.
Try and plan a weekend getaway to the coast or maybe a camping trip. It will make the term seem much shorter if you do it right after midterms. Then you only have half a term until summer! You’re welcome.
As winter term comes to a close (thank Jesus), make sure you take care of business so spring term is nothing but enjoyable.
Over the weekend: Preparing for spring term
Emily Kirk
March 5, 2012
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